Siyer ve İslam Tarihi
Siyer-i Nebi; (السيرة النبوية ), kısaca siyer. İslami literatürde Peygamberimizin hayatının anlatıldığı eserlere verilen isimdir.
Klasik Siyer kitapları Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Hadis-i Şeriflere ek olarak, Peygamberimizin hayatı ve İslam‘ın ilk dönemi hakkındaki çoğu bilginin önemli kaynakları arasındadır.
What Will I Learn?
- Craft a portfolio of websites to apply for junior developer jobs
- Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business
- Understand the latest frameworks and technologies
- Learn professional developer best practices
- Work as a freelance web developer
- Be able to build ANY website you want
Course Curriculum
Intro/Installing React
Installing Swift on React
Installing React on Linux
Installing React on Windows
Future of technology
React Basics
Source Code
Variables and Constants
Strings, Ints and Types
Coding Project
React Package Manager
Making Your Own Package
Using Other People’s Code
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